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Cool Reader v3.1.0-19 ╫ : Andro v2.1+ ╫ Overview: eBook reader. Supports epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM), pml mats. ╫
╫ eBook reader. Supports epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM), pml mats. ╫ Pages or scroll view. Page flipp animation. ╫ Table of contents, bookmarks, t search. ╫ Bookmarks on t fragments (comments or corrections) - useful proof read. ╫ Export of bookmarks to t file. ╫ Built- file browser, quick recent books access. ╫ Onle talogs (OPDS) support. ╫ t to Speech (TTS) support. ╫ Hyphetion dictiories; ╫ Most complete FB2 mat support: styles, tables, footnotes. ╫ Additiol fonts support (place .ttf to /sdrd/fonts/) ╫ Support Chese, Japanese, Korean languages; aodetection of TXT file encod (GBK, Shift_JIS, BIG5, EUC_KR). ╫ Day and night profiles (two sets of colors, background, backlight levels). ╫ Brightness adjustments by flick on left edge of screen. ╫ Background ture (stretch or til) or sol color. ╫ Paperbook-like page turn animation or "slid page" animation. ╫ Dictiory support (ColorDict, GoldenDict, a Dictiory, Aard Dictiory). ╫ Customizable tap zone and key actions. ╫ Aoscroll (aomatic page flipp) - start us menu/goto/aoscroll or assign action Aoscroll on key or tap zone; Change speed us volume ke or bottom-right and bottom-left tap zones; stop - tap any or tap zone or key. ╫ n read books from zip archives. ╫ Aomatic rematng of .txt files (aodetect heads etc.) ╫ Styles n be customis wide range us exterl CSS. ╫ Select t us double tap (optiol). ╫ Similar to FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Nook, Lapa, Moon+ reader. ╫ Place additiol tures to /sdrd/.cr3/tures/ -- to be us as til page backgrounds. ╫ Place additiol tures to /sdrd/.cr3/backgrounds/ -- to be us as stretch page backgrounds. ╫ (/cr3/ directory n also be us stead of /.cr3/, and terl SD or terl storage stead of /sdrd/) ╫ CoolReader is free, open source (GPL), mulplatm project. ╫ Project homepage on Sourcege is http://sourcege.net/projects/crenge/ ╫ To dote t project, you n buy Cool Reader Gold ($10), Silver ($3) or Bronze ($1) Dotion package from Market ╫ PayPal: coolreader.org@gmail.com ╫ Recent changes: ╫ - Crashes fix. ╫ - Fix bookmark underl ╫ - CSS support fix. ╫ Less description » ╫ Latest version: 3.1.0-19 ( Andro version 2.1 and higher, supports 2SD) ╫ /> ╫
https://play.google.com/store/s/d...org.coolreader ╫ Download structions: ╫ http://rapidgator.net/file/38274299 ╫ http://turbobit.net/rdb8v445xtzs.html ╫ http://mir.cr/UI05BIUD